
Cleanliness is an attitude!

CLEANLINESS is next to godliness-everybody knows that right?
Sometimes cleanliness becomes a responsibility or even a challenge.
Apart from personal cleanliness,our environment needs good attention.
The truth is that the way handle our immediate environment reflects
the status of our personal welbeing.
WHEN I was a kid there was this co-orperation that existed in the
yard where i grew up such that on sanitation days, everyone especially men, is ready and available to keep the yard and drainage clean. I
have lived in a place where it is no man's business wether today is
sanitation or not. Na who body sweet pass go clear the gutter!!
THERE are many benefits of ensuring that our environments are neat;
-It reduces exposure to diseases.
-It reduces bad odour and ensures good ventilation.
-It tells good of you as an occupant of a house or compound.
-It also means that you can go ahead to invite some friends for a
hangout at your place with all confidence!
SO cleanliness is truely an attitude--if no body fit do am,make body
sweet you well well to do am!!!